The 🚂 repositories are released every two to three months through a release train.
🫀 Core model / common APIs#
🚂 powsybl-core: grid model, exchange formats, simulation APIs
👀 Visualization#
🚂 powsybl-diagram: network-area diagrams and single-line diagrams
👩💻 Simulators#
🚂 powsybl-open-loadflow: implementation for loadflow, security analysis and sensitivity analysis
🚂 powsybl-dynawo: integration module for DynaFlow (load flow simulations) and DynaWaltz (time domain simulations)
powsybl-metrix: multi-variant network simulation
powsybl-optimizer: production-ready optimal powerflow optimizers
🤝 European coordination#
🚂 powsybl-entsoe: components specific to ENTSO-E-orientated processes
🚂 powsysbl-open-rao: modular engine for remedial actions optimization
🐍 PowSyBl for Python#
pypowsybl: the PowSyBl Python binding
pypowsybl-jupyter: integration of diagrams in Jupyter notebooks
🧐 Advanced features#
powsybl-afs: Application File System to organize and store business data
powsybl-hpc: High Performance Computing modules