CSE CRAC format#
Header overview#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CRACDocument xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" DtdVersion="1" DtdRelease="0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="crac-document.xsd">
<DocumentIdentification v="ruleToBeDefined"/>
<DocumentVersion v="12"/>
<DocumentType v="Z03"/>
<ProcessType v="Z03"/>
<SenderIdentification v="senderEIC" codingScheme="A01"/>
<SenderRole v="A04"/>
<ReceiverIdentification v="receiverEIC" codingScheme="A01"/>
<ReceiverRole v="A36"/>
<CreationDateTime v="2021-04-30T16:00:00Z"/>
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Domain v="10YDOM-1001A061T" codingScheme="A01"/>
A crac document has a time interval for its validity and a lot of its sub-objects have their own time interval of validity as well.
Therefore, this document has to be imported for a specific datetime – hourly-precise – to be able to select only the available elements for this datetime.
In the PowSyBl vocabulary, a ‘Branch’ is an element which is connected to two terminals (lines, tie-lines, transformers, etc.)
As this object is used almost everywhere in the CRAC, it is introduced first.
A branch has few mandatory tags that should be filled in for OpenRAO to consider them : FromNode, ToNode, Order. They refer to existing network elements by their UCTE code.
However, a branch has also a lot of optional tags that are described right below this example.
<Name v="Branch_1"/>
<EIC v="Random EIC"/>
<AlwaysSelected v="true"/>
<FromNode v="BBE2AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="BBE3AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<ImaxAfterOutage v="100" unit="Pct"/>
<ImaxAfterCRA v="100" unit="Pct"/>
<IlimitMNE_AfterOutage v="110" unit="Pct"/>
<IlimitMNE_AfterCRA v="6500" unit="A"/>
<Vn v="380" unit="kV"/>
<minMargin v="70" unit="Pct"/>
<Direction v="DIRECT"/>
<Selected v="true"/>
<Sensitivity v="3"/>
<Factor unit="Pct" v="4.5"/>
<Country v="Country_1"/>
<Factor unit="Pct" v="-2.3"/>
<Country v="Country_2"/>
<Name v="Remedial_Action_1"/>
<Name v="Remedial_Action_2"/>
Name : Alternative way to describe the branch with useful information to identify it more easily when reading logs and results
EIC : Identification
AlwaysSelected : OpenRAO does not use this tag, it only reads the selected tag one
selected : If selected is false, OpenRAO will not consider the margin on this branch in its optimization. Default value is true
Imax{…} and Ilimit{…} : Please refer respectively to the CriticalBranches and Monitored Elements sections at the end of this page
Vn : It is the nominal voltage, but OpenRAO reads is directly in the network therefore it is useless to fill it
minmargin : OpenRAO does not interact with this tag
Direction : Has to be DIRECT, OPPOSITE or BIDIR. If the Branch is defined in a BaseCaseBranch, a CriticalBranch or a MonitoredElement, this tag is mandatory. Please refer to this section of JSON CRAC Format for more information on the behavior of OpenRAO according to the different direction values.
Status : Must be OPEN or CLOSE for a branch involved in a topological action. Default value is OPEN. See an example in the topological actions section of this page.
Sensitivity : OpenRAO does not interact with this tag
PTDFListRef : OpenRAO does not interact with this tag
Remedial actions : These remedial actions will be available with OnConstraint usage rule for the branches they are associated to
<Name v="outage_1"/>
<FromNode v="BBE1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="BBE2AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<Name v="outage_2"/>
<FromNode v="BBE1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="BBE3AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<FromNode v="BBE1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="BBE2AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
Outages are also commonly called ‘Contingencies’.
Each outage with multiple associated network elements must have them listed as showcased in the “outage_2” example above.
<Name v="PST_pra"/>
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Operator v="IT"/>
<Application v="PREVENTIVE"/>
<SharedWith v="CSE"/>
A remedial action can be of different types, but they will always have :
A name
A TimeInterval : Has to contain the import datetime.
An operator : Represents a country in the UCTE country code format
A tag Application : Instant when the remedial action can be applied (SPS should be written for Instant Auto)
A tag SharedWith
The SharedWith tag
This tag defines the usage rule of the remedial action. You can refer to this section for further explanation on the usage rule behavior.
If SharedWith is “CSE” : FreeToUse
If SharedWith is a UCTE country code : OnFlowConstraintInCountry in the country filled in
If SharedWith is “None” : OnConstraint only for its associated CNECs (c.f. the Branch section above)
Range Actions#
PST Range Actions#
<Name v="PST_pra"/>
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Operator v="IT"/>
<Application v="PREVENTIVE"/>
<SharedWith v="CSE"/>
<FromNode v="BBE2AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="BBE3AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<VariationType v="ABSOLUTE"/>
<Min v="-2"/>
<Max v="2"/>
A PST Range Action is defined by its PstRange attribute which contains:
a Branch
a VariationType : For now the only VariationType handled by OpenRAO is “ABSOLUTE” : the mix/max admissible taps of the PST.
a Min value : Has to be an Integer
a Max value : Must be an Integer >= Min value
OpenRAO minimum tap = max(Network minimum tap, Crac minimum tap)
OpenRAO maximum tap = min(Network maximum tap, Crac maximum tap)
HVDC Range Actions#
<Name v="PRA_HVDC"/>
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Operator v="FR"/>
<Application v="PREVENTIVE"/>
<SharedWith v="CSE"/>
<FromNode v="BBE2AA12"/>
<ToNode v="FFR3AA12"/>
<Order v="1"/>
<VariationType v="ABSOLUTE"/>
<Min v="-100"/>
<Max v="2000"/>
For now the only VariationType handled by OpenRAO is “ABSOLUTE” : the min/max admissible set-points of the HVDC.
An HVDC Range Action is modelled by an Injection range Action (the HVDC line is disconnected and replaced by two injections, one on each side of the line, with opposite keys of 1 and -1).
OpenRAO creates the opposite keys by itself, therefore there is no need to specify it.
⚠️There isn’t any check performed to verify that an applied set-point is between the ranges’ min and max.
Network Actions#
generator action#
<Name v="cra_1"/>
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Operator v="FR"/>
<Application v="CURATIVE"/>
<SharedWith v="None"/>
<Name v="FFR1AA1 "/>
<VariationType v="ABSOLUTE"/>
<Value v="0"/>
For now the only VariationType handled by OpenRAO is “ABSOLUTE”, on the node you filled in, the new set-point value will be the one you defined (in MW).
switch actions and terminals connection actions#
<Name v="cra_1"/>
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Operator v="FR"/>
<Application v="CURATIVE"/>
<SharedWith v="None"/>
<FromNode v="FFR1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="FFR3AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<Status v="OPEN"/>
As mentioned earlier, the status must be OPEN or CLOSE and default value is OPEN. The elementary action will be a switch action if the network element is a switch, otherwise the network element must be a connectable and the action will be a terminals connection action.
bus bar change#
<Name v="RA3"/>
<TimeInterval v="2020-03-12T23:00Z/2020-03-13T00:00Z"/>
<Operator v="BE"/>
<Application v="CURATIVE"/>
<SharedWith v="CSE"/>
<InitialNode v="BBE1AA11"/>
<FinalNode v="BBE1AA12"/>
<FromNode v="BBE1AA11"/>
<ToNode v="BBE2AA1*"/>
<Order v="1"/>
<FromNode v="BBE1AA11"/>
<ToNode v="BBE3AA1*"/>
<Order v="1"/>
These remedial actions consist in the changing of one or multiple lines’ end from one bus to another.
In the example above, the remedial action would move:
Line BBE1AA11 BBE2AA1* 1 (* is a wildcard) on the left side from bus BBE1AA11 (InitialNode) to bus BBE1AA12 (FinalNode)
Line BBE1AA11 BBE3AA1* 1 (* is a wildcard) on the left side from bus BBE1AA11 (InitialNode) to bus BBE1AA12 (FinalNode)
These modifications are actually impossible to do easily in a PowSyBl network without modifying its whole structure.
For this reason, the user shall pre-process the network in order to create fictitious buses and switches that shall be opened
or closed by these remedial actions.
Using CseCracCreationParameters, OpenRAO can then map these remedial actions to the switches created by the user, and interpret BusBar remedial actions as SwitchPairs.
It should contain a BaseCaseBranches tag and at least one CriticalBranch
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Name v="basecase_branch_1"/>
<FromNode v="NNL1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="NNL3AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<Imax unit="A" v="4000"/>
<Direction v="OPPOSITE"/>
<Selected v="true"/>
<Name v="basecase_branch_2"/>
<FromNode v="NNL1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="NNL2AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<Imax unit="A" v="4500"/>
<Direction v="DIRECT"/>
BaseCaseBranches is made of:
A TimeInterval : Must contain the import datetime.
A List of branches
For each branch in the list, if Imax is provided, a CNEC will be created on Preventive state.
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Outage v="outage_1"/>
<Name v="French line 1"/>
<FromNode v="FFR1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="FFR2AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<ImaxAfterOutage unit="A" v="4318"/>
<ImaxAfterCRA unit="A" v="3099"/>
<Direction v="OPPOSITE"/>
Each one needs at least these information :
A TimeInterval : Has to contain the import datetime.
An outage : Must be an outage name existing in the Outages section
A branch
For each critical branch, given an attribute ImaxAfter{Instant}, a CNEC on the given state will be created :
ImaxAfterOutage -> Instant Outage
ImaxAfterSPS -> Instant Auto
ImaxAfterCRA -> Instant Curative
<TimeInterval v="2021-04-30T22:00Z/2021-04-30T23:00ZZ"/>
<Name v="Branch_1"/>
<FromNode v="NNL1AA1 "/>
<ToNode v="NNL3AA1 "/>
<Order v="1"/>
<IlimitMNE_AfterOutage v="120" unit="Pct"/>
<IlimitMNE_AfterSPS v="5750" unit="A"/>
<IlimitMNE_AfterCRA v="5500" unit="A"/>
<IlimitMNE v="100" unit="Pct"/>
<Vn v="380" unit="kV"/>
<Direction v="DIRECT"/>
A MonitoredElement always has a TimeInterval and a branch.
It will not be optimized by OpenRAO, however it will be monitored. In other words, on this element, OpenRAO cannot reduce the margin compared to its initial value.
First, if IlimitMNE is filled in, a CNEC on Preventive state will be created. Then, for each outage in the Outages tag and for each attribute IlimitMNE_After{Instant} that is present, a CNEC will be created on the given state:
IlimitMNE_AfterOutage -> Instant Outage
IlimitMNE_AfterSPS -> Instant Auto
IlimitMNE_AfterCRA -> Instant Curative