In this tutorial, we will see how to run a simple RAO from a network file and a CRAC. The CRAC will be created from scratch using the Java API so there is no need to import a CRAC file.
For this tutorial, we’ll need Java 17, and we’ll create a new project called org.example
and work on its Main
For everything to work properly, you also need to install the latest versions
of PowSyBl core,
PowSyBl Open Rao and
PowSyBl Open Load Flow (OLF).
Start by creating a Maven pom.xml
file and add the following dependencies:
Import network file#
The first step is to import a network for the simulation. As an example, we will consider the following 12-nodes UCTE network that is made of 18 lines including 1 PST spread over 4 countries. All the production (1000 MW) is located in the Netherlands (node NNL1AA1) and the consumption (1000 MW) is in France (node FFR1AA1).
We will create a UCTE file to model this network, so it can be processed and imported for the RAO. Copy and paste the
network data in a file named 12Nodes.uct
that you shall store in the resources directory of the project.
##C 2007.05.01
BBE1AA1 BE1 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
BBE2AA1 BE2 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
BBE3AA1 BE3 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
DDE1AA1 DE1 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
DDE2AA1 DE2 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
DDE3AA1 DE3 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
FFR1AA1 FR1 0 2 400.00 1000.00 0.00000 00000.0 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
FFR2AA1 FR2 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
FFR3AA1 FR3 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
NNL1AA1 NL1 0 2 400.00 0000.00 0.00000 -1000.0 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
NNL2AA1 NL2 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
NNL3AA1 NL3 0 2 400.00 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9000.00 -9000.0 9000.00 -9000.0
BBE1AA1 BBE2AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
BBE1AA1 BBE3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
FFR1AA1 FFR2AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
FFR1AA1 FFR3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
FFR2AA1 FFR3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
DDE1AA1 DDE2AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
DDE1AA1 DDE3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
DDE2AA1 DDE3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
NNL1AA1 NNL2AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
NNL1AA1 NNL3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
NNL2AA1 NNL3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
FFR2AA1 DDE3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
DDE2AA1 NNL3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 410
NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 2 8 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 410
NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 3 8 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 410
BBE2AA1 FFR3AA1 1 0 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 5000
BBE2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 0 400.0 400.0 1000. 0.0000 10.000 0.000000 0.0 5000 PST
BBE2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 -0.68 90.00 16 0 SYMM
The network can be imported using PowSyBl:
String networkFilename = "12Nodes.uct";
Network network = Network.read(networkFilename, Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/%s".formatted(networkFilename)));
For this tutorial, we will simulate the loss of line NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1. This loss will divert the power and increase the flow in line NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1 over its admissible power limit. We will study how the RAO can help us solve the resulting problems on the network thanks to remedial actions.
Create CRAC#
The CRAC is the data object that contains all the key information for the RAO, i.e. the contingencies to simulate, the CNECs to optimise and the remedial actions to apply. The RAO’s Java API allows users to manually fill the CRAC with all the required and desired data.
The first step is to instantiate an empty CRAC using the CracFactory:
Crac crac = CracFactory.findDefault().create();
Once created, the CRAC can be filled sequentially (some data must be provided before others for logical reasons) with the information required to model our scenario.
Create contingencies#
Start by defining a contingency called “contingency”, on line NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1, with the following code:
.withContingencyElement("NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1", ContingencyElementType.LINE)
Add instants#
Once the contingencies are added, we can now create the different instants
of the optimisation process. An instant is added thanks to the newInstant
method. Both an identifier and
an InstantKind
) must be provided. The instants must also be declared in
chronological order.
For our example, we only need 3 instants:
one preventive instant that represents the base case
one outage instant that account for the state of the network right after the contingency (loss of line NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1) occurred
one curative instant during which curative remedial actions can be applied to solve the problems resulting from the outage
crac.newInstant("preventive", InstantKind.PREVENTIVE)
.newInstant("outage", InstantKind.OUTAGE)
.newInstant("curative", InstantKind.CURATIVE);
Now that contingencies and instants are all set, we can start adding CNECs and remedial actions to the CRAC.
Create FlowCNECs#
The next step is to create the CNECs. For our example and given the simple network we are using, we will only consider FlowCNECs that correspond to lines in the network that will have to be optimised flow-wise after contingencies (and in basecase). The FlowCNECs also have thresholds that indicate the maximum admissible flow on the line for a given instant.
Let us make sure that the flow on line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 stays under 410 MW in basecase:
.withId("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - preventive")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
Similarly, we need to verify that the flow on the line does not excedd the 1000 MW TATL after the loss of line NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1:
.withId("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - outage")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
Finally, let us assess that the flow goes back under the 410 MW PATL after the application of curative remedial actions:
.withId("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
Add remedial actions#
Add a preventive PST range action#
Let us add preventive a PST range action. For simplicity’s sake, it is
easier to rely on an IidmPstHelper
which fetches the PST’s information in the network to create the remedial action.
IidmPstHelper iidmPstHelper = new IidmPstHelper("BBE2AA1 BBE3AA1 1", network);
.withNetworkElement("BBE2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
Add a curative terminals connection action#
We can finish by adding a terminals connection action to the CRAC, which consists in connecting lines NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 2 and NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 3 (both parallel to NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1) to the rest of the network.
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 2")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 3")
RAO Parameters#
Next, define the parameters to run the RAO using the RaoParameters object
RaoParameters raoParameters = new RaoParameters();
// Enable DC mode for load-flow & sensitivity computations
LoadFlowParameters loadFlowParameters = new LoadFlowParameters();
SensitivityAnalysisParameters sensitivityAnalysisParameters = new SensitivityAnalysisParameters();
// Set "OpenLoadFlow" as load-flow provider
LoadFlowAndSensitivityParameters loadFlowAndSensitivityParameters = new LoadFlowAndSensitivityParameters();
// Ask the RAO to maximize minimum margin in MW, and to stop when network is secure (i.e. when margins are positive)
ObjectiveFunctionParameters objectiveFunctionParameters = new ObjectiveFunctionParameters();
// Enable "APPROXIMATED_INTEGERS" in PST optimization, for better accuracy
Run the RAO#
Run the RAO using the following code to produce a RaoResult
RaoInput.RaoInputBuilder raoInputBuilder = RaoInput.build(network, crac);
RaoResult raoResult = Rao.find().run(raoInputBuilder.build(), raoParameters);
All the important information regarding the optimisation process (activated remedial actions and CNEC flow at each instant) can be found in this RAO Result.
Step-by-step results#
We will go through the results of the RAO, instant by instant, to analyse the different optimisation steps and study the RAO’s behaviour.
Base case and preventive optimisation#
As presented earlier, the whole electricity production (1000 MW) in the network is located at node NNL1AA1. The flow is divided evenly among lines NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 and DDE2AA1 NNL3AA1 1. The consumption (1000 MW as well) is entirely locate at node FFR1AA1.
However, the PATL of line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 is set to 410 MW which is below the current 500 MW flow on the line. Thus, remedial actions must be applied to solve this base case issue. In The CRAC, we only defined one preventive remedial action which is the PST range action. By changing the PST’s tap, we can change the line’s impedance and thus modify the flow.
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - ----- Preventive perimeter optimization [start]
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Root leaf, cost: 90.00 (functional: 90.00, virtual: 0.00)
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = -90.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state preventive, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - preventive"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Limiting element #02: margin = 0.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - outage, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - outage"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Linear optimization on root leaf
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Loading library 'jniortools'
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Iteration 1: better solution found with a cost of -0.00 (functional: -0.00)
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Iteration 2: same results as previous iterations, optimal solution found
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Root leaf, 1 range action(s) activated, cost: -0.00 (functional: -0.00, virtual: 0.00)
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - range action(s): pst-range-action: -10
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = 0.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - outage, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - outage"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Limiting element #02: margin = 8.15 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state preventive, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - preventive"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Scenario "preventive": initial cost = 90.00 (functional: 90.00, virtual: 0.00), 1 range action(s) activated : pst-range-action: -10, cost after preventive optimization = -0.00 (functional: -0.00, virtual: 0.00)
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - ----- Preventive perimeter optimization [end]
When reading the preventive perimeter’s logs above, we notice that the RAO set the new tap of the PST to -10 which increases the flow margin on line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 up to 8.15 MW (i.e. reduces the flow to 402 MW). The preventive perimeter is thus secured. The network with the preventive remedial action applied is displayed below.
Loss of line#
The contingency is then simulated: line NNL3AA1 DDE2AA1 1 is lost. The network’s topology is modified and the new flow is now of 1000 MW (the whole production power) on line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1.
However, the line’s TATL is exactly 1000 MW so the network is temporarily secure. Note that this result is coherent with the most limiting element displayed at the end of the preventive perimeter logs:
Limiting element #01: margin = 0.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - outage, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - outage"
Indeed, the flow on line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 is equal to the TATL which is equivalent to a zero margin. As the TATL can only hold for a limited period of time, curative remedial actions must be applied to bring back the flow under the PATL.
Curative optimisation#
The RAO will now try applying the curative remedial action we defined in the CRAC, to bring the flow on line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 back under the 410 MW PATL. This curative remedial action is a terminals connection action that closes lines NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 2 and NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 3, which are both parallel to NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1, thus dividing the flow in three. It is expected that the remedial action can solve the current problem.
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - ----- Post-contingency perimeters optimization [start]
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Using base network '12Nodes' on variant 'ContingencyScenario3b0ea217-ed17-4122-9bf1-7d8ceebf4267'
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Optimizing scenario post-contingency contingency.
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Optimizing curative state contingency - curative.
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Root leaf, cost: 590.00 (functional: 590.00, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = -590.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - curative, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative"
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Linear optimization on root leaf
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - No range actions to optimize
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Root leaf, cost: 590.00 (functional: 590.00, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - No range actions activated
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = -590.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - curative, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative"
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Using base network '12NodesProdNL' on variant 'OpenRaoNetworkPool working variant e2cc75b1-3886-4172-85ae-5fac9232431d'
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Search depth 1 [start]
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Leaves to evaluate: 1
[ForkJoinPool-2-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Evaluated network action(s): terminals-connection-action, cost: -76.67 (functional: -76.67, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-2-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Optimized network action(s): terminals-connection-action, cost: -76.67 (functional: -76.67, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-2-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Stop criterion reached, other threads may skip optimization.
[ForkJoinPool-2-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Remaining leaves to evaluate: 0
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Search depth 1 [end]
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Search depth 1 best leaf: network action(s): terminals-connection-action, cost: -76.67 (functional: -76.67, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Search depth 1 best leaf: No range actions activated
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = 76.67 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - curative, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative"
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Search-tree RAO completed with status DEFAULT
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Best leaf: network action(s): terminals-connection-action, cost: -76.67 (functional: -76.67, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Best leaf: No range actions activated
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = 76.67 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - curative, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative"
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Scenario "contingency": initial cost = 590.00 (functional: 590.00, virtual: 0.00), 1 network action(s) activated : terminals-connection-action, cost after curative optimization = -76.67 (functional: -76.67, virtual: 0.00)
[ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.TechnicalLogs - Curative state contingency - curative has been optimized.
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - ----- Post-contingency perimeters optimization [end]
We can see in the logs that the remedial action was indeed applied, increasing the margin on line NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 to 76.67 MW (i.e. decreasing the flow to 333 MW which is below the PATL). At the end of the curative perimeter, the network is secure and the three parallel lines are all connected.
Final results#
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Merging preventive and post-contingency RAO results:
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Limiting element #01: margin = 0.00 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - outage, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - outage"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Limiting element #02: margin = 8.15 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state preventive, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - preventive"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Limiting element #03: margin = 76.67 MW, element NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 at state contingency - curative, CNEC ID = "NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative"
[main] INFO c.p.o.commons.logs.RaoBusinessLogs - Cost before RAO = 590.00 (functional: 590.00, virtual: 0.00), cost after RAO = -0.00 (functional: -0.00, virtual: 0.00)
The final cost of the RAO is 0 which represents the worst margin on all CNECs (here it is the CNEC at the outage instant). Because this cost is non-positive, it ensures that the network is indeed secure.
Full example#
This entire tutorial is condensed into the following Java code snippet so that you can simply copy and paste it.
package org.example;
import com.powsybl.iidm.network.Network;
import com.powsybl.loadflow.LoadFlowParameters;
import com.powsybl.openrao.commons.Unit;
import com.powsybl.openrao.data.crac.api.Crac;
import com.powsybl.openrao.data.crac.api.CracFactory;
import com.powsybl.openrao.data.crac.api.InstantKind;
import com.powsybl.iidm.network.TwoSides;
import networkaction.com.powsybl.openrao.data.crac.api.ActionType;
import range.com.powsybl.openrao.data.crac.api.RangeType;
import usagerule.com.powsybl.openrao.data.crac.api.UsageMethod;
import com.powsybl.openrao.data.craccreation.util.iidm.IidmPstHelper;
import com.powsybl.openrao.data.raoresult.api.RaoResult;
import com.powsybl.openrao.raoapi.Rao;
import com.powsybl.openrao.raoapi.RaoInput;
import com.powsybl.openrao.raoapi.parameters.LoadFlowAndSensitivityParameters;
import com.powsybl.openrao.raoapi.parameters.ObjectiveFunctionParameters;
import com.powsybl.openrao.raoapi.parameters.RangeActionsOptimizationParameters;
import com.powsybl.openrao.raoapi.parameters.RaoParameters;
import com.powsybl.sensitivity.SensitivityAnalysisParameters;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Import network from UCTE file
String networkFilename = "12NodesProdNL.uct";
Network network = Network.read(networkFilename, Main.class.getResourceAsStream("/%s".formatted(networkFilename)));
// Initialise CRAC
Crac crac = CracFactory.findDefault().create("crac");
// Create instants
crac.newInstant("preventive", InstantKind.PREVENTIVE)
.newInstant("outage", InstantKind.OUTAGE)
.newInstant("curative", InstantKind.CURATIVE);
// Add contingency
.withContingencyElement("DDE2AA1 NNL3AA1 1", ContingencyElementType.LINE)
// Add FlowCNECs
.withId("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - preventive")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
.withId("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - outage")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
.withId("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1 - curative")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
// Add PST range action (PRA + CRA)
IidmPstHelper iidmPstHelper = new IidmPstHelper("BBE2AA1 BBE3AA1 1", network);
.withNetworkElement("BBE2AA1 BBE3AA1 1")
// Add auto terminals connection action
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 2")
.withNetworkElement("NNL2AA1 BBE3AA1 3")
// RAO Parameters setting
RaoParameters raoParameters = new RaoParameters();
// Enable DC mode for load-flow & sensitivity computations
LoadFlowParameters loadFlowParameters = new LoadFlowParameters();
SensitivityAnalysisParameters sensitivityAnalysisParameters = new SensitivityAnalysisParameters();
// Set "OpenLoadFlow" as load-flow provider
LoadFlowAndSensitivityParameters loadFlowAndSensitivityParameters = new LoadFlowAndSensitivityParameters();
// Ask the RAO to maximize minimum margin in MW, and to stop when network is secure (i.e. when margins are positive)
ObjectiveFunctionParameters objectiveFunctionParameters = new ObjectiveFunctionParameters();
// Enable "APPROXIMATED_INTEGERS" in PST optimization, for better accuracy
// Run RAO
RaoInput.RaoInputBuilder raoInputBuilder = RaoInput.build(network, crac);
RaoResult raoResult = Rao.find().run(raoInputBuilder.build(), raoParameters);