create_dangling_line_bay(network, df=None, generation_df=Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [], raise_exception=True, reporter=None, report_node=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates a dangling line, connects it to the network on a given bus or busbar section and creates the associated topology.

  • network (Network) – the network to which we want to add the dangling line

  • df (DataFrame | None) – Attributes as a dataframe.

  • generation_df (DataFrame) – Optional dangling lines’ generation part, only as a dataframe

  • raise_exception (bool) – optionally, whether the calculation should throw exceptions. In any case, errors will be logged. Default is True.

  • reporter (ReportNode | None) – deprecated, use report_node instead

  • report_node (ReportNode | None) – optionally, the reporter to be used to create an execution report, default is None (no report).

  • kwargs (_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]] | _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]] | bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes | _NestedSequence[bool | int | float | complex | str | bytes]) – the data to be selected, as named arguments.

Return type:



The voltage level containing the busbar section can be described in node/breaker or bus/breaker topology. If the voltage level is node/breaker, the dangling line is connected to the busbar with a breaker and a closed disconnector. If the network has position extensions, the dangling line will also be connected to every parallel busbar section with an open disconnector. If the voltage level is bus/breaker, the dangling line is just connected to the bus.

Valid attributes for dangling line dataframe or named arguments are:

  • id: the identifier of the new line

  • name: an optional human-readable name

  • p0: the active power consumption, in MW

  • q0: the reactive power consumption, in MVar

  • r: the resistance, in Ohms

  • x: the reactance, in Ohms

  • g: the shunt conductance, in S

  • b: the shunt susceptance, in S

  • bus_or_busbar_section_id: id of the bus or of the busbar section to which the injection will be connected with a closed disconnector.

  • position_order: in node/breaker, the order of the dangling line, will fill the ConnectablePosition extension

  • direction: optionally, in node/breaker, the direction of the dangling line, will fill the ConnectablePosition extension, default is BOTTOM.

Dangling line generation information must be provided as a dataframe. Valid attributes are:

  • id: Identifier of the dangling line that contains this generation part

  • min_p: Minimum active power output of the dangling line’s generation part

  • max_p: Maximum active power output of the dangling line’s generation part

  • target_p: Active power target of the generation part

  • target_q: Reactive power target of the generation part

  • target_v: Voltage target of the generation part

  • voltage_regulator_on: True if the generation part regulates voltage