
class ComponentResult(res)[source]#

Loadflow result for one synchronous component of the network.


res (pypowsybl._pypowsybl.LoadFlowComponentResult) –

property status: pypowsybl._pypowsybl.LoadFlowComponentStatus#

Status of the loadflow for this component.

property status_text: str#

Status text of the loadflow for this component.

property connected_component_num: int#

Number of the connected component.

property synchronous_component_num: int#

Number of the synchronous component.

property iteration_count: int#

The number of iterations performed by the loadflow.

property reference_bus_id: str#

ID of the (angle) reference bus used for this component.

property slack_bus_results: List[SlackBusResult]#

Slack bus results for this component.

property distributed_active_power: float#

Active power distributed from slack bus to other buses during the loadflow