Running a security analysis#

You can use the module in order to perform a security analysis on a network. Please check out the examples below.

For detailed documentation of involved classes and methods, please refer to the API reference.

AC security analysis#

To perform a security analysis, you need at least a network and a contingency on this network. In the result there are violations detected with the initial loadflow on the network. These violations are collected in pre_contingency_result. The results contain also the violations created by the contingency, they are collected by contingency in post_contingency_results:

>>> network =
>>> network.update_loads(id='LOAD', p0=800)
>>> security_analysis =
>>> security_analysis.add_single_element_contingency('NHV1_NHV2_1', 'First contingency')
>>> result = security_analysis.run_ac(network)
>>> result.pre_contingency_result
PreContingencyResult(, status=CONVERGED, limit_violations=[3])
>>> result.post_contingency_results
{'First contingency': PostContingencyResult(contingency_id='First contingency', status=CONVERGED, limit_violations=[3])}
>>> result.limit_violations
                              subject_name   limit_type limit_name   limit  acceptable_duration  limit_reduction        value side
contingency_id    subject_id
                  NHV1_NHV2_1                   CURRENT  permanent   500.0           2147483647              1.0   623.568946  ONE
                  NHV1_NHV2_2                   CURRENT  permanent   500.0           2147483647              1.0   655.409876  TWO
                  VLHV1                     LOW_VOLTAGE              400.0           2147483647              1.0   398.917401
First contingency NHV1_NHV2_2                   CURRENT        20'  1200.0                   60              1.0  1438.021676  ONE
                  NHV1_NHV2_2                   CURRENT  permanent   500.0           2147483647              1.0  1477.824335  TWO
                  VLHV1                     LOW_VOLTAGE              400.0           2147483647              1.0   392.158685

Adding monitored Elements#

This feature is used to get information on different element of the network after the loadflow’s computations. Information can be obtained on buses, branches and three windings transformers.

>>> network =
>>> security_analysis =
>>> security_analysis.add_single_element_contingency('NHV1_NHV2_1', 'NHV1_NHV2_1')
>>> security_analysis.add_single_element_contingency('GEN', 'GEN')
>>> security_analysis.add_monitored_elements(voltage_level_ids=['VLHV2'])
>>> security_analysis.add_postcontingency_monitored_elements(branch_ids=['NHV1_NHV2_2'], contingency_ids=['NHV1_NHV2_1', 'GEN'])
>>> security_analysis.add_postcontingency_monitored_elements(branch_ids=['NHV1_NHV2_1'], contingency_ids='GEN')
>>> security_analysis.add_precontingency_monitored_elements(branch_ids=['NHV1_NHV2_2'])
>>> results = security_analysis.run_ac(network)
>>> results.bus_results
                                                              v_mag  v_angle
contingency_id operator_strategy_id voltage_level_id bus_id
                                    VLHV2            NHV2   389.95    -3.51
>>> results.branch_results
                                                    p1     q1       i1      p2      q2       i2  flow_transfer
contingency_id operator_strategy_id branch_id
                                    NHV1_NHV2_2 302.44  98.74   456.77 -300.43 -137.19   488.99            NaN
GEN                                 NHV1_NHV2_1 302.44  98.74   456.77 -300.43 -137.19   488.99            NaN
                                    NHV1_NHV2_2 302.44  98.74   456.77 -300.43 -137.19   488.99            NaN
NHV1_NHV2_1                         NHV1_NHV2_2 610.56 334.06 1,008.93 -601.00 -285.38 1,047.83            NaN

It also possible to get flow transfer on monitored branches in case of N-1 branch contingencies:

>>> n =
>>> sa =
>>> sa.add_single_element_contingencies(['NHV1_NHV2_1', 'NHV1_NHV2_2'])
>>> sa.add_monitored_elements(branch_ids=['NHV1_NHV2_1', 'NHV1_NHV2_2'])
>>> sa_result = sa.run_ac(n)
>>> sa_result.branch_results
                                                          p1          q1           i1          p2          q2           i2  flow_transfer
contingency_id operator_strategy_id branch_id
                                    NHV1_NHV2_2  302.444049   98.740275   456.768978 -300.433895 -137.188493   488.992798            NaN
                                    NHV1_NHV2_1  302.444049   98.740275   456.768978 -300.433895 -137.188493   488.992798            NaN
NHV1_NHV2_2                         NHV1_NHV2_1  610.562154  334.056272  1008.928788 -600.996156 -285.379147  1047.825769       1.018761
NHV1_NHV2_1                         NHV1_NHV2_2  610.562154  334.056272  1008.928788 -600.996156 -285.379147  1047.825769       1.018761

Operator strategies and remedial actions#

Pypowsybl security analysis support operator strategies and remedial actions definition. You can define several types of actions by calling the add_XXX_action API. All actions need a unique id to be referenced later at the operator strategy creation stage. The following example define a switch closing action with id ‘SwitchAction’ on the switch with id ‘S4VL1_BBS_LD6_DISCONNECTOR’.

>>> n =
>>> sa =
>>> sa.add_switch_action(action_id='SwitchAction', switch_id='S4VL1_BBS_LD6_DISCONNECTOR', open=False)

To enable the application of the action you need to define an operator strategy and add the action to it. An operator strategy is a set of actions to be applied after the simulation of a contingency. It is defined with an unique id, a reference to the id of the contingency, a list action ids and a condition. The following operator strategy define the application of the switch action ‘SwitchAction’ after ‘Breaker contingency’ with the ‘True’ condition (always applied):

>>> n =
>>> sa =
>>> sa.add_single_element_contingency(element_id='S4VL1_BBS_LD6_DISCONNECTOR', contingency_id='Breaker contingency')
>>> sa.add_switch_action(action_id='SwitchAction', switch_id='S4VL1_BBS_LD6_DISCONNECTOR', open=False)
>>> sa.add_operator_strategy(operator_strategy_id='OperatorStrategy1', contingency_id='Breaker contingency', action_ids=['SwitchAction'],
>>> sa.add_monitored_elements(branch_ids=['LINE_S3S4'])
>>> sa_result = sa.run_ac(n)
>>> df = sa_result.branch_results
>>> #Get the detailed results post operator strategy
>>> df.loc['Breaker contingency', 'OperatorStrategy1', 'LINE_S3S4']['p1'].item()

Results for the post remedial action state are available in the branch results indexed with the operator strategy unique id.