Running a dynamic simulation with dynawo#
You can use the module pypowsybl.dynamic
in order to run time domain simulation on networks.
Start by importing the module:
import as pn
import pypowsybl.dynamic as dyn
For now we only support the Dynawo simulator integration, provided by the Dynawo project.
The pypowsybl config file (generally located at ~/.itools/config.yaml) must define the dynawo section to find your dynawo installation and defaults parameters Here is an example of a simple config.yaml file. It uses the same configurations as in powsybl-dynawo.
startTime: 0
stopTime: 30
debug: true
parametersFile: ./models.par
network.parametersFile: ./network.par
network.parametersId: "1"
solver.type: IDA
solver.parametersFile: ./solver.par
solver.parametersId: "1"
To make a dynamic simulation, you need multiple things:
A dynamic mapping, it links the static elements (generators, loads, lines) to their dynamic behavior (alpha beta load)
A event mapping, it maps the different events. (e.g equipment disconnection)
A output variable mapping, it records the given values to be watch by the simulation tool (can be curves or final state values).
There is a class for each of these elements.
You will see a lot of arguments called parameterSetId. Dynawo simulator use a lot of parameters that will be stored in files.
Pypowsybl will find the path to this file in the powsybl config.yaml in dynawo-simulation-default-parameters.parametersFile value.
The parameterSetId argument must match an id in this file (generally called models.par).
Simple example#
To run a Dynawo simulation:
import pypowsybl.dynamic as dyn
import pypowsybl as pp
# load a network
network =
# dynamic mapping
model_mapping = dyn.ModelMapping()
model_name='LoadAlphaBeta') # and so on
# events mapping
event_mapping = dyn.EventMapping()
event_mapping.add.add_disconnection(static_id='GEN', start_time=10)
event_mapping.add_disconnection(static_id='NHV1_NHV2_1', start_time=10, disconnect_only='ONE')
# curves mapping
variables_mapping = dyn.OutputVariableMapping()
variables_mapping.add_dynamic_model_curves("DM_LOAD", ["load_PPu", "load_QPu"])
variables_mapping.add_standard_model_final_state_values('NGEN', 'Upu_value') # and so on
# simulations parameters
start_time = 0
end_time = 50
sim = dyn.Simulation()
# running the simulation
results =, model_mapping, event_mapping, variables_mapping, start_time, end_time)
# getting the results
results.status_text() # error description if the simulation fails
results.curves() # dataframe containing the mapped curves
results.final_state_values() # dataframe containing the mapped final state values
results.timeline() # dataframe containing the simulation timeline