Sensitivity analysis#
The sensitivity analysis module allows to compute the impact of various variations (typically, generation variations), on other physical values on the network (typically, active power flows or currents on lines).
Run a sensitivity analysis#
You can run an AC or DC security analysis using the following methods:
Creates a new AC sensitivity analysis. |
Runs the sensitivity analysis. |
Creates a new DC sensitivity analysis. |
Runs the sensitivity analysis |
Set the default sensitivity analysis provider |
Get the current default sensitivity analysis provider. |
Get list of supported provider names |
The execution of the sensitivity analysis can be customized using sensitivity analysis parameters.
Parameters for a sensitivity analysis execution. |
Get list of parameters for the specified sensitivity analysis provider. |
Contingencies definition#
Add one N-1 contingency. |
Add one N-K contingency. |
Add multiple N-1 contingencies. |
Sensitivities definition#
You can either define the sensitivities you want to compute by defining individual elements variations, or by defining zones.
In AC mode, you can define voltage sensitivities, in addition to flows sensitivities.
Defines branch active power flow factor matrix, with a list of branches IDs and a list of variables. |
Defines branch active power flow factor matrix for the base case, with a list of branches IDs and a list of variables. |
Defines branch active power flow factor matrix for specific post contingencies states, with a list of branches IDs and a list of variables. |
Deprecated since version 1.1.0. |
Define zones that will be used in branch flow factor matrix. |
In order to create, inspect and manipulate zones, you can use the following methods:
Create country zone with custom generator name and shift keys :param country: Identifier of the zone :param injection_index: IDs of the injection :param shift_keys: shift keys for the generators |
Create country zones from glsk file for a given datetime :param glsk_file: UCTE glsk file :param instant: timepoint at which to select glsk data |
An enumeration. |
When the security analysis is completed, you can inspect its results:
Represents the result of a DC sensitivity analysis. |
Deprecated since version 1.1.0. |
Deprecated since version 1.1.0. |
Represents the result of an AC sensitivity analysis. |
Deprecated since version 1.1.0. |
Deprecated since version 1.1.0. |
GLSK UCTE file loading#
UCTE GLSK files can be loaded using glsk.load and GLSKDocument, data can be used for zone creation.
Loads a GLSK file. |
Result of GLSK file parsing, provides access to underlying data. |