Getting started#


You can simply install released versions of pypowsybl from PyPI using pip:

pip install pypowsybl

If you want to build pypowsybl from sources, please check out build instructions on github.

Basic usage#

The main data type you will manipulate is the Network, defined in module.

In order to create one, you can use one of the provided creation methods, for example you can create the well known IEEE 9-bus test case:

import as pn
network = pn.create_ieee9()

You can then start inspecting the content of the network, for example in order to get lines data:

>>> network.get_lines()
       name     r      x   g1        b1   g2        b2  p1  q1  i1  p2  q2  i2 voltage_level1_id voltage_level2_id bus1_id bus2_id  connected1  connected2
L7-8-0       0.85   7.20  0.0  0.000745  0.0  0.000745 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN               VL2               VL8   VL2_1   VL8_0        True        True
L9-8-0       1.19  10.08  0.0  0.001045  0.0  0.001045 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN               VL3               VL8   VL3_1   VL8_0        True        True
L7-5-0       3.20  16.10  0.0  0.001530  0.0  0.001530 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN               VL2               VL5   VL2_1   VL5_0        True        True
L9-6-0       3.90  17.00  0.0  0.001790  0.0  0.001790 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN               VL3               VL6   VL3_1   VL6_0        True        True
L5-4-0       1.00   8.50  0.0  0.000880  0.0  0.000880 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN               VL5               VL1   VL5_0   VL1_1        True        True
L6-4-0       1.70   9.20  0.0  0.000790  0.0  0.000790 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN               VL6               VL1   VL6_0   VL1_1        True        True

Each row of the obtained dataframe represents a line of the network.

You may have noticed that the flows are NaN. In order to compute them, you can run a loadflow using the pypowsybl.loadflow module:

import pypowsybl.loadflow as lf

Flow values are now available in the lines dataframe:

>>> network.get_lines()[['p1', 'p2', 'q1', 'q2']].round(2)
           p1     p2     q1     q2
L7-8-0  76.38 -75.90  -0.80 -10.70
L9-8-0  24.18 -24.10   3.12 -24.30
L7-5-0  86.62 -84.32  -8.38 -11.31
L9-6-0  60.82 -59.46 -18.07 -13.46
L5-4-0 -40.68  40.94 -38.69  22.89
L6-4-0 -30.54  30.70 -16.54   1.03

You can also generate a single line diagram of one of the substations or voltage level, if you want to visualize the result:

>>> network.get_single_line_diagram('S1')

This will produce the following SVG image, which will just display if you run inside a notebook:


Going further#

For more advanced use cases and topical guides, please check out the User Guide.

For a comprehensive list of features and detailed description of methods, please check out the API reference.