Per Unit data#
PyPowSyBl provides methods to per unit the scientific data. They are part of the network api. To per-unit the data, the attribute per_unit of the network has to be set.
>>> net =
>>> net.per_unit=True
>>> net.get_lines()
name r x g1 b1 g2 b2 p1 q1 i1 p2 q2 i2 voltage_level1_id voltage_level2_id bus1_id bus2_id connected1 connected2
LINE_S2S3 0.000006 0.011938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.098893 1.900229 2.147594 -1.098864 -1.845171 2.147594 S2VL1 S3VL1 S2VL1_0 S3VL1_0 True True
LINE_S3S4 0.000006 0.008188 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.400036 0.021751 2.400135 -2.400000 0.025415 2.400135 S3VL1 S4VL1 S3VL1_0 S4VL1_0 True True
For example for lines r, x, g1, b1, g2, b2, p1, q1, i1, p2, q2, i2 are per united according to the nominal voltage and to the nominal apparent power. The nominal apparent power is by default 100 MVA. It can be set like this :
>>> net.nominal_apparent_power=250
>>> net.get_lines()
name r x g1 b1 g2 b2 p1 q1 i1 p2 q2 i2 voltage_level1_id voltage_level2_id bus1_id bus2_id connected1 connected2
LINE_S2S3 0.000016 0.029844 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.439557 0.760092 0.859038 -0.439546 -0.738068 0.859037 S2VL1 S3VL1 S2VL1_0 S3VL1_0 True True
LINE_S3S4 0.000016 0.020469 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.960014 0.008700 0.960054 -0.960000 0.010166 0.960054 S3VL1 S4VL1 S3VL1_0 S4VL1_0 True True
Per Unit formula#
Resistance R#
for network elements with only one nominal voltage :
with Sn the nominal apparent power For two winding transformers, the nominal voltage is the nominal voltage of the side 2 For lines, it is according to both sides :
Reactance X#
for network elements with only one nominal voltage :
with Sn the nominal apparent power For two winding transformers, the nominal voltage is the nominal voltage of the side 2 For lines, it is according to both sides :
Susceptance B#
for network elements with only one nominal voltage :
with Sn the nominal apparent power For two winding transformers, to compute B, the nominal voltage is the nominal voltage of the side 2 For lines, B is on side one according to both sides :
where Y is the admittance (Y = 1/Z where Z is the impedance) and Im() the imaginary part
Conductance G#
for network elements with only one nominal voltage :
with Sn the nominal apparent power For two winding transformers, to compute G, the nominal voltage is the nominal voltage of the side 2 For lines, G is on side one according to both sides :
where Y is the admittance (Y = 1/Z where Z is the impedance) and Re() the real part for side 2 just inverse Vnominal1 and Vnominal2
Voltage V#
the voltage is perunit by the nominal voltage. For network element with a target voltage, it per united by the nominal voltage of the target element.
Active Power P#
with Sn the nominal apparent power
Reactive Power Q#
with Sn the nominal apparent power
Electric Current I#
with Sn the nominal apparent power
the angle are in degrees in PyPowSyBl, but when per-unit is activated it is in radian even if it is not really related to per-uniting.